What We Do

Imagine stepping into a world where your dreams are not just distant desires, but tangible realities waiting for your touch. That's the journey I invite you on. Energy Work, Meets Somatics, meets Coaching.  As a founder passionate about guiding women to their ultimate freedom and success, I've dedicated my life to turning the 'what ifs' into 'what is'. From being recognized among the top 40 under 40 as a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit at Heart and Hustle Fitness to empowering future generations as a Professional Educator, my path has been paved with the belief that every woman holds within her an untapped reservoir of potential. With certifications in Emotional Success Coaching, EFT Practitioner, Soul Purpose Coaching, and more, I'm here to help you peel away the layers of doubt and fear, so you can shine in your authentic light.


You're in the right place

At the heart of our practice is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a powerful modality that blends the principles of energy psychology and somatics to facilitate profound healing and personal growth.

Energy Psychology: EFT works on the premise that emotions and traumas are stored in the body's energy system. By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on these issues, we can clear the energy blockages, restoring balance and promoting emotional well-being. This method helps to release deep-seated fears, anxieties, and past traumas, old stories, and limiting beliefs allowing you to experience relief and a sense of calm.

Somatics: Our approach also integrates the somatic practice of Power EFT, which emphasize the connection between mind and body. Through mindful awareness and gentle physical interventions, we help you tune into your body's sensations, uncovering and addressing the physical manifestations of emotional distress. This holistic perspective empowers you to develop a deeper understanding of your body's wisdom, enhancing your ability to process and heal.

The Power of Integration: By combining energy psychology and somatics, EFT provides a comprehensive and effective approach to healing. This integration allows you to address emotional, behavioural, and physical aspects of your well-being simultaneously, leading to lasting change and a greater sense of harmony.

You're stronger than you think you are. Experience Transformational Healing with EFT: Energy Psychology and Somatics Combined

"Ashley is an incredible life purpose coach. Over the course of the 4 months I worked with her, she helped me navigate from a space of feeling lost, uninspired, unfulfilled and unhappy to a space of feeling motivated, purposeful, empowered and confident. She created a safe space where I felt comfortable sharing fears and anxieties about my career, personal and family life and always made me feel supported. Through her guidance and with the help of her tools, I have greatly improved my overall mindset, my approach to my triggers and even worked through 3 major decisions with clarity and confidence. I am so grateful for her coaching, it has truly made a positive impact in my life."

Made Moves 


"Ashley is an incredible life purpose coach. Over the course of the 4 months I worked with her, she helped me navigate from a space of feeling lost, uninspired, unfulfilled and unhappy to a space of feeling motivated, purposeful, empowered and confident. She created a safe space where I felt comfortable sharing fears and anxieties about my career, personal and family life and always made me feel supported. Through her guidance and with the help of her tools, I have greatly improved my overall mindset, my approach to my triggers and even worked through 3 major decisions with clarity and confidence. I am so grateful for her coaching, it has truly made a positive impact in my life."

Made Moves 


real results

Unlock your journey to personal freedom and emotional success with a discovery call that's all about exploring your unique path. Let's chat about how we can release those limiting beliefs and spark transformative growth together!

clarity call

Embark on a transformative journey with my coaching, as we unlock your true potential for freedom, boundless creativity, and a life free from limiting beliefs. Together, using Emotional Freedom Techniques, we'll rewrite your narrative to reflect your most authentic self.

personal COACHING

Ways to Work Together

“The soul is here for its
own joy”

— Rumi

  • You're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps. 
  • If you crave clarity, confidence, and guidance to navigate whats next for you
  • You're ready to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace your true power


Let's talk about this!

You know that deep down, you're meant for more. More joy, more impact, and yes, even more income. But something's been holding you back. Maybe it's imposter syndrome whispering that you're not good enough, or perhaps it's those old stories you've been telling yourself about what you can and cannot achieve. Maybe you aren't sure of what it is that has you stuck. Let me tell you something: those stories? They're not your reality. Together, we'll rewrite them.

Welcome to Your New Beginning


Emotional Freedom Tapping: Your Secret Weapon

what is eft?

Have you ever felt stuck, as if you're on the starting line but somehow can't seem to take that first step? I've been there, too. But here's the good news: there's a way out. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or what I like to call Power EFT, is a game-changer. It's not just about tapping away the surface-level stuff; it's about diving deep into your story, loosening the grip of those hard emotions, and saying goodbye to feeling not enough. This is about you, your story, and a transformation that lasts.

We combine transformational coaching with Emotional Freedom Tapping to create lasting Impact for you and your Nervous System

"I left each of our sessions feeling inspired, empowered and like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Being able to share openly, work through the hard stuff together and gain insight from you on how to approach the next steps and incorporate what you’re teaching me into my day to day to continue my growth and healing was truly invaluable."

"You met me with love and patience and support and for that I am so grateful."

changed careers and opened her dream business

Private Coaching 

"Attending Lunar Alchemy and learning to work with the moon and setting intentions was so enlightening! It was a beautiful blend of spirituality, practical guidance, and empowerment! Through my time in the program I gained a deeper understanding of the moon and how it can support my intentions. A safe space was created, where I felt supported in exploring and setting powerful intentions."

"I highly recommend the program for anyone ready to embrace their power and create positive change!"

Lunar Alchemy 

Andrea embraced her power

"Combining EFT inside each of our session was so helpful. It put me in a more centered place to work through the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I also loved that Ashley provided me with simple tapping scripts I could do at home on my own! I used them when I needed to feel more calm and centered, or when I wanted to continue some of the work we were doing together."

"Tapping was very calming and grounding. It pulled me into focus and allowed me to place energy into what I was actually trying to work through."

E F T   &
 Private Coaching

The Reviews

let's chat

If you're feeling that pull, that whisper in your heart saying, It's time, then I'm here to tell you: listen to it. Scheduling a free consultation with me could be the first step towards unraveling the layers of your story and discovering your true power. Let's do this together.

Ready for the Next Step?

lets do this.