
Embark on a Journey of Transformation with Conscious EFT™

March 19, 2024

Hey there, Ever felt like you’re caught in a cycle, unable to break free from old beliefs that weigh you down? We’ve all been there. But guess what? There’s a path to transformation, and it’s called Conscious EFT™. Imagine shedding those limiting beliefs and stepping into a life bursting with authenticity, joy, and endless possibilities. […]

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I'm Ashley!

Welcome to my blog! I'm an Emotional Success Coach & Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. Join me as I merge my coaching expertise with the vibrant tapestry of life in Costa Rica, unlocking your true potential and living with purpose.


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In just six months, your life can either remain unchanged or transform into something beautifully different.

Hey there,

Ever felt like you’re caught in a cycle, unable to break free from old beliefs that weigh you down? We’ve all been there. But guess what? There’s a path to transformation, and it’s called Conscious EFT™.

Imagine shedding those limiting beliefs and stepping into a life bursting with authenticity, joy, and endless possibilities. That’s the magic of Conscious EFT™—it guides you toward a brighter, more fulfilling existence.

Conscious EFT™: Your Path to Transformation

Conscious EFT™ gently guides your nervous system toward a place of safety and support in the here and now. Together, we’ll navigate this journey, releasing past energies and emotions without getting tangled in outdated patterns. It’s about moving forward with confidence and clarity.

What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as ‘EFT Tapping,’ is a mind + body tool within the realm of Energy Psychology. It involves tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on emotions, thoughts, or sensations. You can use EFT as a self-help tool or with a trained practitioner.

Conscious EFT™: Elevating Your Healing Journey

What is Conscious EFT™?

Conscious EFT™ is a highly refined form of EFT developed by my mentor Nancy Forrester, Founder and Executive Director of the National EFT Training Institute in Canada. Conscious EFT™ a trauma-informed, 4-phased approach that prioritizes safety for the client, practitioner, and the overall therapeutic environment. The emphasis typically revolves around Phase 1: present-moment awareness for the client, and Phase 4: reinforcing positive beliefs, feelings, and thoughts to empower the client and expand their capacity for joy! It nurtures the inherent spark of goodness and joy within each individual, allowing that essence to become the driving force for healing.

Exploring Acupressure Points and Energy Meridians

Acupressure points, derived from ancient Chinese medicine, play a significant role in balancing the body’s energy flow. Yes, those energy meridians are real! Thanks to modern technology, we now have scientific evidence confirming their existence.

Ready to Embrace Transformation?

If you’re ready to bid farewell to what’s been holding you back and embrace a life of freedom and expansion, let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Click the link to peak through my calendar, and find a time for us to chat!https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages/86725

Chat soon,


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I'm Ashley!

If you’re reading this, you’re likely on the brink of something wonderful. You know that feeling? When you’re standing on the edge of the unknown, your heart is a mix of butterflies and fireworks. That’s where magic happens, and I’m here to dive into that magic with you. 

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